LYRIC TEES & HOODIES Part 2! (6 New designs available!)

$31.99 - $48.99

T-shirts and hoodies featuring lyrics from popular WW songs and deep cuts,, hand-illustrated by Will Wood. Some designs may be limited!

Select the song you'd like the lyric from, whether you'd like it on a hoodie or t-shirt, and your size from the drop downs below. Art is front/center on black tee/hoodie.

Lyric options:
1. 2econd 2ight 2eer
2. And If I Did, You Deserved It.
3. BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA
4. Chemical Overreaction / Compound Fracture
5. Your Body, My Temple
6. Falling Up

T-shirts size S-3XL are Gildan 6400, 4XL & 5XL are Gildan 5000. 100% cotton direct to garment printed.
Hoodies are Gildan 18500, 50% pre-shrunk cotton / 50% polyester, available in size S- 5XL.
Scroll down for sizing chart and zoomed in versions of 1, 2, 4 & 6! Final product sizing may differ slightly from chart, but is generally true to size. Images are demos, and final appearance may differ slightly.

In the (unlikely) event that your order hasn’t arrived in time for your holiday, try printing out the handwritten note from Will Wood in the product photos and putting it in a fun envelope for the recipient!